Unmatched "Feel for the Numbers"
Our predictive analysis work has included development and application of completely custom full vehicle models to combinations of proprietary and commercial code. We work with the customer to strike the right balance to achieve their short-term and long-term goals within their constraints.
Continual development and application of predictive tools and methods along with our natural engineering balance has resulted in an unmatched feel for the numbers. Application of simulations to predict the behavior of a car rocketing around the track or driving down a bumpy road is a blend of art and science. We have the balance to achieve success!
Our Vehicle Dynamic predicitive capability tools experience Include:
Dynamic by Ahlman Engineering
High fidelity ride and handling physics models and events
Kinematics and compliance models with member force output
Custom events and physics models
Vehicle performance metrics and Design of Experiments (DOE) integration
CarSim and SuspensionSim
AVL VSM Vehicle Dynamics Simulation